Monday, March 30, 2009

Industry is the mother of good luck

In this mundane life there is nobody who does not nourish within himself the hope of fortune. But fortune does not come automatically. It is to be earned through hard labor and patient diligence. A man has to be perseverant and painstaking to achieve fortune in life. Very few men attain fortune because they do not make a proper division of their time and perform their duties timely. They while away their time in sheer idleness. They have no courage to fight against the failures of life. Once they fail, fail for ever. They lose heart when they face difficulties. They forget that man falls to rise. They never get the favor of God. On the other hand the men who are industrious, perseverant and hard working win fortune in the end. The men who possess strong will power and exert the strength of mind are sure to attain fortune. They are never baffled. They face any sort of difficulty however big or small, bravely. They never depend on others. They believe in their strength and power of action. Sincere efforts and hard work have got reward of its own. So industry is the mother of good luck.

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DV 2009 Result

DV Lottery, DV Lottery, DV Lottery !!! 2009 Results For better carrier in U.S.A.
DV lottery which is also called as Green Card lottery is currently not accepting entries from applicants. Next visa lottery DV 2010 is expected to be announced in September 2008 by the State Department.The program is strictly limited to one application per person as primary applicant, if anyone has applied more than one entry all the entries will be rejected without any notice regardless of who submitted them.

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